AI 787
Lucky Selectism’s high quality vintage safety eyewear, AI 787 is inspired by 1960’s safety eye shields mainly among construction or lab workers.
The 1960s was the time where mass production of high-tech electronics was booming especially in the United States. The 1960’s was an era of change; People were trying to change the society to become a better and productive world to live in.
During this era, rapid growth of producing technology goods such as vehicle parts or machinary goods in factories or laboratories kept the working class workers busy. Working at such hazardous scenes, workers often got hurt and seriously injured.

This is when self-protection items, such as safety goggles were developed rapidly during this era. Durable and steady eye protections with side shields were introduced for factory, construction and lab workers to easily access. It provided working class workers to productively work with trustworthy self- protections.
America’s high quality self-protection equipment company since 1923, Sellstrom inspired the industrial protective eyewear production industry in the 1960’s. A steady side shield on each side of the lens protected one’s eyes from getting injured and a durable temple and frame supported thick lens as a protection as well.
Also, this significant side shield has an anti-fog quality to prevent the lens from fogging up while working. The invention of safety optics / goggles significantly helped the working class to become much more productive and protected.

AI 787